Sponsor Application C1: This form is due on November 22, 2015 C2: If you have not turned in this form, please do so ASAP
Every student is required to have a Confirmation Sponsor. Your sponsor should be at least 16 years old (18 is preferred), a Confirmed Catholic, and a good example of living a Christian lifestyle. Your Sponsor should be ready to help guide you through your Confirmation process.
Sponsors are usually family friends, while siblings and extended family may be sponsors, parent's can not. If you feel that there is no one to sponsor your child, please contact the Confirmation office and we will help you select someone from the parish community.
Saint Report C1: This form is due on March 6, 2016 C2: If you have not turned in this form, please do so ASAP Every student is required to select a Confirmation Saint. The purpose of choosing a Saint Name is to provide a Christian identity for being a member in God’s family. Therefore, a Saint Name should reflect the qualities of the person being confirmed.
A Saint Name is usually given during Baptism. It is strongly encouraged that students select this name. However, they may choose another name, but it must belong to a canonized saint in the Catholic Church. (Click here for a list of Saints)
Letter to the Bishop C2: This form is due on April 10, 2016 It is essential that each candidate express his or her desire to be confirmed in writing to the Bishop. In the letter you share who you are and a little about yourself, why you wish to be confirmed, perhaps even your struggles and doubts about the process, as well as whom your Confirmation saint is and why you chose that particular saint. Before the celebration of Confirmation, the Bishop is required by Canon Law to know that candidates have been properly prepared. He should also know that each candidate has a desire for, and knowledge of, the sacrament. The Bishop is not looking for a theological statement. He quite simply wants to learn a little bit about you and why you wish to receive the sacrament.
The Letter is your personal acknowledgement to the Bishop that it is YOUR desire to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Service Hours C1: If you have not turned in any Service Hours, please do so ASAP C2: If you have not turned in any Service Hours, please do so ASAP
Students are required to have 20 hours per year (total of 40 by the end of their second year). A total of 10 Service Hours are recommended to be finished by December..